Sunday, June 24, 2012

Maybe It's TIME ....

So, I decided that it is TIME...

Time is an interesting thing, everything takes time, time to mend, to break, to heal, to forgive, to move forward, to fall in love, fall out of love, time to make friendships, to let others go, time to learn who you are, what you want in life, where you are going.

this list can continue on for a while. what i'm getting at is everthing takes time, sometimes time takes to dang long, but when you get to where you want to be, i think its usually worth the wait.

recently I had to wait a very long time, to realize that i wasn't happy in my life, and when i realized that, I then waited another allotted amount of drawn out time to finally be able to truely forgive my self.

and all the things that led up to the event that i'm talking about came from  patience, and alot of time spent wasted on things that didn't matter, which i realize now, and alot of time spent praying. and on the day that time decided to let me move forward, it was through answered prayes, and god that i was able to move forward with my life for good.

and i'm going to tell you guys something. and its going to sound maybe preachy or something, but here goes.

I know that sometimes we hold onto things that just hurt us, they really don't matter much, but they matter to heavenly father, for me i needed an apology from someone that i felt had truely wronged me, and i needed forgiveness from myself, god, etc..  it wasn't until months later when i truely had hummbled myself and prayed about the situation that I was able to have my prayers answered and the weight of the situation removed from me.

what a blessing that has been. the power of prayer is so strong, sometimes things just take time.

anyway I'm happy, I'm healthy and i'm exicted about life, and love and all those other things in between.

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