Monday, February 13, 2012

All Of these things

Scuba Diving.

I want to go Scuba Diving in Florida.

seriously, its become a dream of mine. one day I'm going to go.

Scuba diving is so beautiful, i love it.

I just can't wait for better weather, or school to be over. for a new time period in my life to roll through.
I Just need a change. Some adventure, a new identity. Alone time, to figure out me.

I want to feel alive.

I want to scuba dive. run another half marathon. drive to California and play in the sand
dye my hair, learn guitar. sing on a corner. write a song.

serve people. choose a carrier. become.

Mostly I want to Become, a better daughter, sister, friend, person.

I want to forgive, Forget, move forward.

And Become who it is I want to be.