Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I like to Move it, Move IT.

One of my odd facinations and enjoyments in life since the 8th grade has been running. the interesting thing is that yes ,i love running, but i also hate running. lets face it, its summer time, by ten the temperature outside is reaching the 80's or 90's and i usually want to sleep in. my phone is dying all the time and in need of replacement, so the alarm is very unreliable, in fact its not reliable which means i have to figure out how to work my radio alarm, which i haven't done thus far, and so I end up using my roommates phone alarm. which is so very kind of her.

then there is the fact that its hard for me to go if i miss the alarm and i feel to comfy in my bed to get up. but the hardest part is the fact that if you don't run in the morning you have to go at night which means that you are waiting your whole day to get your run in. I find it slightly annoying.

when training for a race the hard work, time and energy put into training always pays off though. running what feel like slow painfull runs, and doing hill work outs pay off when  you push through the finish line, exhausted and panting. dripping with sweat, your butt and legs aching, and you ask  your amazingly great boyfriend what the time was and he tells you that you just ran 6.2 miles in 43:31!

does it get any better? I couldn't have guessed i was in that good of shape. when its all said and done the pros of running will always out weigh the cons for me. unless of course i am injured or run so much that my knees go bad.

I am still a little sore from my 10k run for wasatch mental health, and while i was doing it, especially going up  the long hilly mile to mile 5, I was tired and wanted to stop sometimes, but you just keep moving.

and in life you just keep moving, or keeping on keeping, we can't stop or we fail.

running teaches me that I can do hard things, i've done hard things, and harder things are to come. if i look at it in this sense, then training is like life. some days are easy and enjoyable, i go with friends we chat and its fun, sometimes the runs are hot and i'm dehydrated or tired, and i don't want to keep running, these are mild trials that challenge our faith, but we get through them. speed work outs or hill runs would be the harder trials we experience, that never seem to end, but when they do we are stronger because of them, and racing well thats the proof that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger :) or you can say its the test of life that god has set out for us. all and all I run because it makes me feel stronger, and i always surprise myself at how much my body can do if i prepare it.

i'm greatfull I have the ability to run, friends and family who support me, a wonderfull boyfriend and the fact that heavenly father knows i care if i get 43 minutes or 45 :) I don't think i can run 7 minute miles all on my own. it just wasn't painfull enough to have been luck .

thats all. have a great day to the three of you who may read this.

1 comment:

  1. I read it! :) This is a good post on running. You should read the quote I posted on the right side of my blog! I think you'd like it. :)
