Sunday, January 1, 2012

This New Year.

Today is January 1st 2012.

Dear 2011, yesterday was the last time i can claim you. I am not sad about our parting, except for a few little twangs of regret, a sad smile for times that i loved... and things that i lost, mistakes made, regrets had, and friends that didn't last.

goodbye 2011. lets not frolic in the old memories, 2012 is a brand new year.

2012 i welcome you with open arms.

hopes of new discoveries about self.

new courage to move on from the past.

a goal to run until i can go no more.

find love, or acceptance for just being alone with me.

become something better than i used to be.

2012, lets do great things this year like...

go somewhere foreign

drive somewhere far

plan a trip

go to the temple

know the difference between love and lust

get over the heart break of 2011. that boy. hurt no more.

become a very good student

be true to myself, and to others- no more people pleasing, it seems to always back fire.

take pictures.

and of course have fun.

so 2012 we have a lot to do, in all areas. you know me and you are going to be good friends, and this year will be better than the last. I know this has to be true.

love me.

so don't you worry your pretty little mind, people throw rocks at things that shine, and life makes love look hard... Taylor Swift.


  1. Rachelle, my dear. Your blog entries are so thought-provoking. You are amazing. Do you know that?

  2. Thanks! i am glad you like my thoughts. i love your blog! its awesome .
